Here, we have two versions of Anders from the Dragon Age video game series, back-to-back, representing how he changed between the events of Dragon Age: Awakening and Dragon Age 2.
On the left is his younger self, with the Circle tower of Kinloch Hold in the background, and the orange cat Ser Pounce-a-lot at his feet. On the right is the revolutionary activist who allowed a spirit of Justice to co-inhabit his body to aid in the cause of mage rights, with the Kirkwall Chantry in the background.
Digital painting done in Photoshop.
$16.00 via Etsy
Categories: Artwork, By Subject, By Type, Digital Artwork, Fantasy
Tags: Anders, cat, Chantry, circle, digital, digital artist, digital artwork, digital painting, Dragon Age, fan art, fanart, fantasy, fantasy art, fantasy creature, fantasy game, Kirkwall, mage, magic, robes, Ser Pounce-a-lot, staff, video game
Live Date: 6/28/2011 |
Last Modified: 12/7/2023