New Illustration: "Centaur Shamaness"
Sarrah Wilkinson - 7/21/2015
I call this one "Centaur Shamaness", showing a palomino centaur lady in the forest with her black raven familiar perched on her arm. The horse portion of her body is a lovely tan color, and her hair, mane, and tail are nearly pure white. She's seated on the grassy floor of a beautiful forest, with green leaves and dangling vines all around.
"Centaur Shamaness" Print, 8.5 x 11 in
$16.00 via Etsy
$16.00 via Etsy
Categories: Artwork, Shop
Tags: artwork, centaur, Centaur Shamaness, digital art, familiar, fantasy, female, new, palomino, print, raven, white hair
Live Date: 7/21/2015 |
Last Modified: 7/21/2015