Squirry the SquirrelGoyle

And Squirry the squirrel went "Neep, neep, neep!", and they all went home for tea.

Okay, well, sometimes I do things just to amuse myself. :)

In any case... hey, look, I made a squirrel gargoyle! Complete with extra floofy tail. Well, extra floofy... stone... tail... You know what I mean.

Squirry is made from a particular type of polymer clay with flecks of color in it that make it resemble granite. I also did some texturing on the surface and a wash of black acrylic to bring out the details, as well as some touches of mossy green.

Adopted 7/27/2013!

Squirry the SquirrelGoyle, Polymer clay squirrel gargoyle Squirry the SquirrelGoyle, Polymer clay squirrel gargoyle Squirry the SquirrelGoyle, Polymer clay squirrel gargoyle Squirry the SquirrelGoyle, Polymer clay squirrel gargoyle, back view

Categories: Artwork, By Subject, By Type, Fantasy, Humorous / Whimsical, Traditional Art/Sculpture
Tags: crittergoyle, gargoyle, granite, handmade, polymer clay, rock, rodent, sculpture, squirrel, stone
Live Date: 12/26/2012 | Last Modified: 12/25/2012