Send in the clowns!

Sarrah Wilkinson - 7/30/2016

I like clowns, be they happy friendly ones, charming sad ones, or monstrously spooky ones. I crafted this clown mask from the same mold I used to make the Simpsons masks, one I haven't made use of in a while! It's a fun, simple, classic design, but the result is really quite delightful!

Unless you don't like clowns, I guess. :)

Update: This mask has been sold.

Categories: Costuming, Shop
Tags: black, blue, cast, clown, face paint, friendly, green, grinning, happy, laughing, makeup, mask, painted, red, resin, smiling, white
Live Date: 7/30/2016 | Last Modified: 7/30/2016