Just A Circus, our Browser Game Completed in One Week!
Sarrah Wilkinson - 8/31/2019
It's Just A Circus - or is it? This is a charming, cartoony little game with a creepy twist. We created it for the one-week-long Community Game Jam. What an amazing event and a lot of fun (and streeeeessssss!!) The game is playable right in your browser.
Featuring Benjamin the Circus Bear, you're presented with a simple challenge: Get to the flag. But when the theme of the game jam is "The Game Is a Liar", how can you be sure that the goal you're given is the right one?
Categories: Games
Tags: 2d, animated, bear, cartoon, circus, computer, creepy, cute, dark humor, game, game jam, horror, Just A Circus, monsters, PC, puzzle-platformer, scary, short, side scroller, surprise, The Game Is A Liar, video game, Windows
Live Date: 8/31/2019 |
Last Modified: 8/31/2019